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lion statues of soft material happy foo dogs with paws on sphere

life size guardian lions happy foo dogs with paws on sphere ...

3ft Large Foo Dog Lion Statues Buddhist Temple Imperial ... This is a male and female Foo Dog guardian lion pair. The male is in the classic pose with a playful posture and the celestial sphere ...

3ft Large Foo Dog Lion Statues Buddhist Temple Imperial ...

Likeness: Foo Dog Guardian Lions of Buddha and Earth protectors Description: This is a male and female Foo Dog guardian lion pair. The male is in the classic pose with a playful posture and the celestial sphere (Earth) beneath his foot. The female is guarded yet playful with her cub safely under paw. Both lions are depicted with a ball in their ...

Amazon.com : Hi-Line Gift Ltd Foo Dog-Right Paw on Cub ...

Food Dog - Right Paw On Cub. Foo translates from one of two Chinese words for "Buddha" or "prosperity". They come in pairs to represent the yin and yang of life, the feminine and masculine. The male sits to the right with his paw on a sphere to represent the earth and serves to protect the house and structure.

Guardian Stone Lion Statues Front Porch- Marble/Bronze Lion ...

Emsco 28 in. Guardian Lion Statue-2210-1 - The Home Depot. Emsco - 28 in. Guardian Lion Statue - Proud lion seated on a large base. High-density resin.

Wooden Foo Dog Antique Chinese Figurines & Statues - eBay

This is a Mythological Lion known as a Foo Dog or Temple Guardian. The lion is sacred to Buddhism and is a symbol of valor, energy and wisdom. Also known as the "Protector of Buddha", the Foo Dog (Lion) is found standing guard at the entrance of Buddhist Temples.

XoticBrands Foo Dog With Left Paw Up 35H Garden Animal Statue ...

The female sits to the left with her paw on a cub to represent the cycle of life and serves to protect the occupants and promote abundance. They are actually Imperial Guardian Lions that typically sit at the entrance of a prominent and affluent home. Foo dog statue with left paw on cub. This beautiful stone statue can be your imperial guardian.

Discover ideas about Stone Lion - Pinterest

Vintage Chinese Hand Carved Stone Foo Dog Seal Statue with Play Ball, Mother, and Baby Foo Dog - So Sweet! Great Feng Shui Statue . . . Wonderful, one of a kind unique and rare foo dog sculpture figurine, so adorable with the baby foo dog climbing up his mom's lap!

Chinese guardian lions - Wikipedia

Foo dog, dog breeds originating in China that resemble "Chinese guardian lions" and hence are also called Lion Dogs. Asiatic lions found in nearby India are the ones depicted in the Chinese culture. Piraeus Lion

7 Things to Know About Foo Dogs - Houzz

3. Foo dogs are meant to be a pair. Foo dogs are symbolic, protective statues, and they are designed in pairs — one is female, the other is male. The female represents yin, and symbolically protects the people dwelling inside the home, while the male statue, representing yang, protects the structure itself.

China's Stone Lions — Photos and Background Information

The male lion, symbolic of the Yang, usually has one paw placed upon a ball. It may come as some surprise to know that the ball is actually supposed to be embroidered and not, as may be expected, representative of some weapon or other masculine accessory.

XoticBrands Foo Dog With Left Paw Up 35H Garden Animal Statue ...

The female sits to the left with her paw on a cub to represent the cycle of life and serves to protect the occupants and promote abundance. They are actually Imperial Guardian Lions that typically sit at the entrance of a prominent and affluent home. Foo dog statue with left paw on cub. This beautiful stone statue can be your imperial guardian.

Amazon.com : Hi-Line Gift Ltd Foo Dog-Right Paw on Cub ...

Wenmily Large Size Wealth Porsperity Pair of Fu Foo Dogs Guardian Lion Statues,Best Housewarming Congratulatory Gift to Ward Off Evil Energy,Feng Shui Decor (8.8Hx6.5Lx4.2W Each) 5.0 out of 5 stars 5

Wooden Foo Dog Antique Chinese Figurines & Statues - eBay

Although the features of Foo Dog statues may greatly very, there are common traits found in the majority of statues. The right Foo Dog is male and the left Foo Dog is female. They have curled hair, large eyes, an opening mouth and outstretched paws.

Chinese Foo Dog Statues - Invaluable

Chinese foo dog, foo lion, or guardian lion statues can often be seen in pairs guarding the entrance to a household, or as small figures within the interior of a room. Foo dogs are inspired by the majestic lion, but were often compared to the lion-like appearing dog breeds: Chow-Chow and Shih Tzu.

Foo Dog 2 Piece Male and Female Statue Set - wayfair.com

When you buy a Hi-Line Gift Ltd. Foo Dog 2 Piece Male and Female Statue Set online from Wayfair, we make it as easy as possible for you to find out when your product will be delivered. Read customer reviews and common Questions and Answers for Hi-Line Gift Ltd. Part #: 77126-GY / 77126-RD on this page.

3ft Large Foo Dog Lion Statues Buddhist Temple Imperial ...

Likeness: Foo Dog Guardian Lions of Buddha and Earth protectors Description: This is a male and female Foo Dog guardian lion pair. The male is in the classic pose with a playful posture and the celestial sphere (Earth) beneath his foot. The female is guarded yet playful with her cub safely under paw. Both lions are depicted with a ball in their ...

Vintage Pair of Marble Temple Lion Foo Dogs at 1stdibs

Notice the playful detail on the statues. Foo dogs are often found near temples, gardens, entrances and homes. They are considered protectors of buildings and guard against evil spirits. Foo dogs are always displayed as pair. The male lion has a ball under one of its paws, while the female has a pup under her paw.

Chinese Shizi Foo Lion Dogs Solid Marble at 1stdibs

View this item and discover similar sculptures for sale at 1stdibs - Pair of hand carved Chinese Marble Shizi Foo Lion/Dogs. This pair of statues has great detail and patina.

Blue 1900-1940 Antique Chinese Figurines & Statues - eBay

This art pottery foo lion, shi, or foo dog was made during the early 20th century in the Chinese Republic. The creature is mounted on a pedestal and decorated with a blue and brown glaze. The bottom of the pedestal has “China” impressed in it.

Hi-Line Gift Grey Schnauzer-87983S-GY - The Home Depot

Foo Dog left Paw on Ball Statue Foo translates from 1 of 2 Chinese words Foo translates from 1 of 2 Chinese words for Buddha or prosperity. They come in pairs to represent the yin and yang of life the feminine and masculine.

11 best Foo Dogs images on Pinterest | Lion dog, Stone lion ...

Correct placement of Fu Dogs & Temple Lions. Also know as guardian Lions or Lion Dogs. Find this Pin and more on Foo Dogs by Asata Gabriel. The male lion, holding a globe under his left or right paw should be placed on the left side (as you are looking out of a door or window).

FOO DOGS ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ DOGICA® 3D Asian, Korean, Tibetian, Japanese ...

Together with other closely related Chinese dog breeds, the Chow Chow belongs to a group of dogs known as "foo dogs". So, the Lions of Fo statues were also referred to as "foo dogs". Lions of Fo always come in pairs, often depicting the male lion playing with a ball or globe and the female lion holding a cub in her paw.

63 best Humorous & Animal Statuary images on Pinterest in ...

Dining Room Art Lion Dog Animal Statues Frank Lloyd Wright Decorative Accessories Online Shopping Sculpture Lions Home Decor Forward This gorgeous Frank Lloyd Wright Foo Lions Statue Figurine has the finest details and highest quality you will find anywhere.

Princeton University on Instagram: “#TellUsTigers: "I started ...

1,525 Likes, 15 Comments - Princeton University (@princeton_university) on Instagram: “#TellUsTigers: "I started writing songs for my daughter when I was pregnant, but I didn't know they…”

Wikipedia:Unusual articles - Wikipedia

There are over five million articles in the English Wikipedia. These are the ones that Wikipedians have identified as being a bit unusual. These articles are verifiable, valuable contributions to the encyclopedia, but are a bit odd, whimsical, or something one would not expect to find in Encyclopædia Britannica.

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This event's perpetrator resigned after noting his need "to perform the duty of a son," and was fined $300. A cartoon bearing the caption "Southern Chivalry" depicted this event, which occurred two days after an accusation that a "mistress" "polluted in the sight of the world" had been taken by (*) Andrew Butler.

The steam man of the plains; or, The terror of the West

"I did." -"Well,'' said Frank, "those odd-shaped things were inclosed Latteries, and the wires were con nected with them. Whan Mowsher Abiner laid paws on me he touehed the wires, and in less than the tenth part of a second, he receh'ed a heavy charge of electricity from the batteries.

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There are Snow-statues raised by the poor in hard winter to a Queen who has given them fuel. There are masquerades, theatricals; beautifyings of little Trianon, purchase and repair of St. Cloud; journeyings from the summer Court-Elysium to the winter one.

Chandos.: a machine-readable transcription.

The duke let him do precisely as he chose, which was to remain abroad four years, chiefly in the East, where life whether waiting for the lion's or tha leopard's step through the sultry hush of an Oriental night, or learn- ing soft love-lore from the dark eyes of a Georgian under the shadows of a palm-grove, enchanted and en- chained, one who ...

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Song by Silas Dinsmore (Texas, early 19th C) - UFDC Home

The H. stands for scrapes I've been in, and about my dog Lion, and Hazard,--ack Hazard is the name I generally the 'Lectrical 'Lixir man, and the Pipkins,-the go by, but Mr. Chatford is the man I live with, funniest couple,-and Phin Chatford, and Byron

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Hess, the noted lion wrestler at Hagenback's Wild Animal show, barely escaped with his head last night, and as it is he has ten stitches in his nose this morning. He was finishing his wrestling match with the lion Prince and placed his head in the animal's mouth.

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You Fine Art Sculpture is a professional manufacturer of granite and marble stone Foo dog products. You Fine  has specialized in the design, development, production and marketing of all kinds of stone Fu dog statue for many years. There are more than  50 Craftsman which have more than 10 years experience of work ,every chinese Foo dog statue made by our craftmen with Smooth lines.Every stone foo dog statue have themselves expression Smiling chinese foo dog statue,Serious chinese fu dog statue,Angry chinese foo dog sculpture.


Cultural Meanings

The Chinese lion dogs are traditionally carved from decorative stone, such as marble and granite  Because of the high cost of these materials and the labor required to produce them, private use of guardian lions was traditionally reserved for wealthy or elite families. Indeed, a traditional symbol of a family’s wealth or social status was the placement of guardian lions in front of the family home.



The Chinese Fu dogs are always presented in pairs, a manifestation of yin and yang, the female representing yin and the male yang. The male lion has its right front paw on an embroidered ball called a “xiù qiú”(ball), which is sometimes carved with a geometric pattern known in the West as the “Flower of life” The female is essentially identical, but has a cub under the closer (left) paw to the male, representing the cycle of life. Symbolically, the female fu lion protects those dwelling inside, while the male guards the structure. Sometimes the female has her mouth closed, and the male open. This symbolizes the enunciation of the sacred word “om”. However, Japanese adaptions state that the male is inhaling, representing life, while the female exhales, representing death. Other styles have both lions with a single large pearl in each of their partially opened mouths. The pearl is carved so that it can roll about in the lion’s mouth but sized just large enough so that it can never be removed.

Why are they called Foo dogs?


Foo Dogs (sometimes spelt Fu), the common name in Western cultures for Chinese Guardian Lions or Imperial Guardian Lions, have stood in front of Chinese Imperial palaces, offices and tombs as well as homes of the wealthy since the start of the Han Dynasty in 206 BC. They were believed to have powerful protective properties.


Today, in Chinese communities across the world, Guardian Lion statues are common both within and at the entrance to homes and offices.


It is interesting to note that the lion is not an animal indigenous to China. History says that travelers brought stories about lions as a Buddhist protector of Dharma, and statues of lions were modeled in feng shui after the travelers’ descriptions and after the native dogs.



The Different Advantages of YOU FINE ART SCULPTURE.CO.LTD

A.30 Years Persistence for stone chinese Fu dog

B.Factory Direct Supply Give You Reasonable Price

C.One-Stop Service for All Customs

D.Professional Design Team of chinese foo dog

E.Solving the Question for You Friendly

F.One Time Visiting Our Website ,Making Friends Forever

G:We Can Make Any stone lion statue!


In recent years, our company has expanded foreign export business. At present, we have built stable and good relationship with customers from many countries, such as Germany, France, England, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, the United States, Australia, Saudi Arabia, India, and South Korea. We have gained a high prestige for our choice of material and excellent workmanship.

Transportation of Stone Chinese Fu dog for lawn ornaments decoration:


1.Port of loading: mainly ship from Xingang, China

2.Shipping method: Express/Air freight/Sea/railway

3.Freight: the shipping freight is depend on total weight and cube of the ordered item. We quoted the freight, the price directly from the shipping Company.

4.Transportation time for different destination:

USA and Canada: about 30days

West European main port: about 27days

South America: about 40days

The specific destination port, please email to us, we will check with shipping Company.

If you need our marble Chinese lion statue,Chinese Fu dog,Chinese Foo dog Please feel free to contact us .We will serve you whenever and wherever you need us. Our goal is to achieve win-win cooperation and do our best to service for you.



Inquiry For More Information!Send Email To E-mail:sales@you-fine.com.Your email will be secreted totally,pls feel free to leave your email.



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